Your word travels the entirety of space and reaches my cells which are my stars then goes to yours which are my light.
Frida Kahlo
I love how dear Jane uses paper marbling to make colourful pieces like the envelope she used to pack all the beautiful things she cared to send me.
There’s a ticket with an inspiring message wich says:
“Lift up, because look at all you have. Galaxies of glitter floating three-sixty around you.”
I was amazed by “The ruined piano sanctuary” and it’d definetly be one of those places I’d love to visit someday!
I could not be happier when I received this beautiful and unique piece from her, using a Ghandi's quote that states: "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean: if a few drops of that ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
I’m completely and deeply in love with the beautiful postcards Denisa from Czech Republic sent me. She cared to send me some roasted artisan coffee, a bag of apple/cinnamon tea and a bag of sugar for my collection. Loved her letter, she is so sweet and genuine.
This was sent to me by Marta V., from Portugal. It’s always a big leasure to write in my own language. She cared to send me this beautiful poem by Herberto Helder (portuguese poet) and also, she got inspired by the challenge tickets I send to my penpals, so she made a challenge to me (wich I’m pretty excited to accomplish!). She gave me 7 sentences that will lead me to 7 photographs. Delightful!
I immediately fell in love with this Dr. seuss envelope Bahanur sent, but couldn’t be more happy after reading her words while tasting that awesome black tea. This girl spoils me, but in a good way of course.
This was all sent from Weronica, in Poland. I was really happy when I got her letter. She was super nice, and cared to send me an handmade postcad aswell. And handmade postcards are the best!
A contribution for my project from Bernhard Zilling, in Germany.
This is a very special letter for me, since I thought I’d never going to be able to read it. It took a while to make our letters reach each other, but finally we could start building the bridge between us. Bahanur is such a minded and good person. Definetly one of those person’s I’d like to share a cup of tea and hours of interesting conversation. We have several things in common (like our love for the art of cinema) so it’s really exciting to meet such a wonderful young lady.
Claudia from Barcelona sent me this cute envelope with such treasures inside. As you might know my love for photography is impossible to quantify. So, everytime I get these photo postcards in my mailbox, I’ll surely have a brighter day. Even better if they take me back to a beautiful inspiring place as Barcelona. It was a pleasure meeting this girl a little more.
Amazing contribution for my project sent by the sweet Anna Beach from Ohio, USA. She really nailed this thing, and proved that the simple things are always the prettiest. Also, she added a note on the back of the page wich says:
“Dreams are so essential to the soul… much as life, air or water are to the body. People may tell you to quit dreaming, to live in the real world. Never forget that many of the most beautiful things in this real world were once someone’s unrealistic dreams.”
Thank you so much for this.
Incoming mail from lovely people.
Incoming mail to bright my day!
Beautiful piece that Anna Beach sent for me. It really made my day. Thank you, dear!
Handmade postcard sent to Priscilla, from Brazil.
Details form last sendings, from previous outgoing post.
I’ll write to you. A super-long letter, like in an old-fashioned novel
Haruki Murakami, in After Dark
Loads of love and good things on the way to reach mailboxes of Claudia (Barcelona, Spain), Anna Beach (USA) and Priscilla (Brazil).
Two more handmade postcards. The first one, also inspired in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte was sent to Gizem, in Turkey. The second was sent to Bárbara, in Portugal.
Two handmade postcards. The first was given to Marta V., in Porrtugal. The second was sent to Denisa, in Czech Republic.
More than kisses, letters mingle souls.
John Donne
I got this on my mailbox some years ago, and nowadays I still don’t know who sent it to me. It just a photograph, a delightful one. All I know is that it came all the day from Phillipines to my wall.
I love the rebelliousness of snail mail, and I love anything that can arrive with a postage stamp. There’s something about that person’s breath and hands on the letter.
Diane Lane
One of my long time favourite piece of incoming mail. It’s so soothing and sweet. It says: “For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), it’s always ourselves we find in the sea.”
Colourful and original pieces sent to me by Olivia, in Russia.
As an aspiring photographer, it really makes me happy when people have that in mind and send me beautiful prints. You can’t tell it by my picture, but there’s a special bright touch of colour on these.
This three were sent from Washington, USA.
Incoming mail from dear Ana Leal, in Azores (Portugal).
Little notebooks for lovely people.
These were given to Mariana, Patricia and Arina, in Portugal.
I have a crush on handwritting and callygraphy, so I had this theme up on mail-art forums for some time. This was a funny postcard I got from Andrea Jay, in New York. It really brightened my day.
Two postcard from one my oldest mailartist correspondents Lutz Beeke, from Germany.
Well, this time I’m showing a special letter. I’ve always fell in love with this type of incoming mail, but it took me awhile to understand what this was and how it worked. This is a small part of something much bigger called “Brain Call Project”, started by Ryosuke Cohen, around 1985 in Japan.
It’s a collaboration wrk from mailartists all around the world who fill an A3 blank sheet with stencil, illustration and stamps. There’s also a contact sheet attached so I can send something not only for Ryosuke, ut also for every single person who signed this. It is a very exciting mail, with bright colours and creativity.
Two beautiful postcards that I got a while ago, but still make my heart cozy and warm. The first one tells us about love letters and it was given to me by António Vieira, in Brazil. The second was sent to me by Bernhard Zilling, a german mail-artist who does not miss the chance to send the cutest things for my project.
Two handmade postcards. The one about the sea was given to Marta, from Portugal. The one with the red bird was sent to Gizem, from Turkey.