5-week- Challenge for more Love & some Freebies

8:49 AM

Those who are part of this project may already have heard about our Flash Events. These are mainly to embrace a possible proximity despite distances, sharing different views and ways of love giving, and in the end I'll reward some of the most heartfelt entries. Already curious about it? 
This present month - March, 2017 -, we will be hosting a challenge on Instagram that will endure for five weeks, with one theme per week. Mainly, I wanted this to be a giving act, a way to motivate us to give without any expectations, and to share the love and kindness which are the basis of the project itself.
All you have to do is check the theme that corresponds to the current week, and let your heart fly. For instance, the first week goes from 1st to 5th, and the theme is "Hello Spring", on this one I've thought about leaving some flowers in random places with nice kind messages (I'd love to give them to strangers, but I am waaaay too shy for that); you can snailmail a springful postcard to a dear penpal, or even surprise someone that's actually close to you everyday.
There are no limits to your creativity, no conditioned ways to make this happen...hypothesis are infinite. Remember that this is something for you as well, something that should warm your soul by doing it; in the first place.
In order to participate you should upload a picture to Instagram, and if needed you may use the description to tell a bit more about what you accomplished. All entries must be shared with our community using our main hashtag: #senditforwardp . 
Don't forget to follow our IG profile, to keep in touch with our stories and news!

In the end of the month I'll be rewarding some of the most heartfelt entries with an exclusive Send it Forward Freebie. 

So, for lots of love and inspiration, make sure you don't miss our 5-week-challenge :) 

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