Today, I'm bringing to you another beautiful caption found among the lovely contributions, through our main hashtag #senditforwardp. I've seen this picture some time ago, and really wanted to highlight it on the blog because it really reminded me some of my own afternoons aging paper. Ana Kalline is a very creative snailmailer, so she surely keeps many snail mail stories, as you might imagine. In this post, you can read one.
Snailmail is... It's able to touch people personally can not touch. It's the struggle to make the world a better place to live with pen and paper in place of the sword.
I wish to send forward... I get many strong letters from people who were lost somehow in a bad thought. I SHIP hope that these thoughts stole them. Sending smiles, good stories of overcoming and of course, my life.
One story, something good that happened wich was provided by the joy of letter writing.
In September 2014 I discovered that was with leukemia and was the only time of my life that I felt disheartened. I abandoned the snailmail and other things I really liked to do. I gave satisfaction to my friends and said that would not more writing. And then began to reach many letters here where I live today and in the house of my parents. arrived numerous letters per week of people sending me strength. People that not know me, people I had never talked... These letters spoke" do not give up"," I am with you"," You are not alone"," You inspire me and I do not want to miss it.".. Still in the same year began to prepare holiday cards for those who had me writing these letters and was emerging in me a force that I did not know where vines. I felt much pain at first, but then felt that there was an energy that I carried. I thought the time in return to write and decorate my letters as I liked to do. Today I got over and I am cured, but strongly believe that if I had not received so hard during this situation I would not be as I am today. They were more than 500 letters of support I received during the time I spent sick. This is supernatural.
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With love,