4:20 PM
Hello dear friends! There's a lot of freezing cold and rain happening outside, so in between blankets, letters and tea I bring you some Sunday inspiration with this beautiful caption found among the lovely contributions, through our main hashtag #senditforwardp. Here's a bit from Kelsey, Washington, DC.
- Snailmail is... an amazing kind of self-therapy for me. As I pour myself into papercrafts and letter writing I can physically feel myself relax. I crank the music up and I dig in. I'm never surprised to find myself dancing around with washi stuck to my fingers.
- I wish to send forward... as much love and hope as I possibly can. Each letter, postcard, and package I receive brings a smile to my face. A big one. Settling in to read a letter from a dear friend warms my heart. I have gotten letters that have made me remember what happiness is, brought tears to my eyes, and made me do victory dances. I can only hope that I have done and can do this for others.
One story, something good that happened wich was provided by the joy of letter writing.
When I moved to Washington, DC miles away from my loving mother living in Kentucky, I knew it would be difficult. Trust me when I say there have been many tearful phone calls and desperate texts seeking advice and comfort from both ends. Luckily, I have an amazing mom that finds the most spectacular post cards. (She's even sent me DC ones before.) She has become my most frequent penpal. Her postcards litter my bookshelves and mine plaster the fridge back home. Each time I get one in the mail it's like she's sent me a little piece of her saying hello.
Feel free to join the community + Keep tagging your pictures with our hashtag #senditforwardp for a chance to get featured.
With love,
"I wish to send forward... as much love and hope as I possibly can."
ReplyDeleteI love that statement. Great job, Kelsey!! <3